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Economic Calendar of the week

The Forex market is directly affected by major events in the international financial environment, whether scheduled or unexpected. A change of government, of economic policy, a natural catastrophe can affect the market in unexpected ways. We will make a compilation of them and we will share them with you so that you are aware of everything that happens regarding the financial markets. You can also find this news on our telegram channel and on our social networks, the links are at the bottom of the page.

Easter 04/05/2021

Celebration day in many countries.




Source: Investing

United States - Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Non-Manufacturing PMI Index 5/04/2021

The Non-Manufacturing Institute of Supply Management (ISM) Index (also known as IGS Services) shows the number of tracks of non-manufacturing activity that occurred in the previous month.
Any reading above 50 indicates expansion, while a reading below 50 indicates contraction.
Which has much less effect on GDP than the IGS Manufacturing Index.
A higher than expected reading should be taken as positive / bullish for the dollar, while a lower than expected reading should be taken as negative and bearish for the dollar.



Previous: 55.3

Forecast: 58.5



Source: Investing

Australia - Interest rate decision 04/06/2021

Every month, excluding January, The Committee of the Australian Central Bank (RBA) meets, for the purpose of discussing short-term interest rates for the Nation. Shortly after the meeting, the RBA publishes a statement, which contains the established rate, and when it is modified, they also add a brief comment on the economic conditions that affected the decision. The decision of how to fix interest rates depends mainly on inflation. One of the main objectives of the central bank is to achieve stability; When inflation exceeds an annual rate of approximately 3%, the central bank will respond by increasing interest rates, in order to lower prices. High values ​​in interest rates manage to attract foreign investors, so the demand for the country's currency will increase. Short-term interest rates have a great effect on the value of the country's currency; Most traders observe other economic indicators for the sole purpose of predicting future changes in interest rates. What makes interest rates fundamental is that high rates attract foreign investors who are looking for zero risk for their money.


Previous: 0.10%

Forecast: 0.10%



Source: Investing

Reserve Bank of Australia rate release 04/06/2021

The Reserve Bank of Australia's (RBA) monthly interest rate release describes its current decision for the country regarding changes in short-term interest rates, monetary policy and the direction of the economy.
Short-term interest rates are key factors in the revaluation of the currency. A peaceful declaration, open to negotiation, could send the AUD down against its rivals, while an aggressive declaration could strengthen the currency.






Source: Investing

Short-term energy forecast of the EIA 04/06/2021

The Short-Term Energy Forecast (STEO) report provides a short-term perspective from the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA) on energy markets. Each month, the STEO provides the forecast until the end of the following calendar year regarding consumption, supply, trade and prices of the main types of fuel. Additionally, the STEO provides in-depth market analysis for the crude oil, petroleum products, and natural gas markets. Although it emphasizes the US energy markets, the STEO also includes forecasts for certain international liquid fuel markets.





Source: Investing

United States - JOLTs Survey of Job Offers 04/06/2021


Previous: 6.917M




Source: Investing

UK Composite Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) 04/07/2021

The composite PMI index measures the level of purchasing activity of managers in both sectors. A reading above 50 indicates an expansion of the sector; a reading below 50 indicates a contraction. A higher than expected reading should be considered positive / bullish for the pound, while a lower than expected reading should be considered negative / bearish for the pound.

Previous: 56.6

Forecast: 56.6



Source: Investing

United Kingdom - Services Sector PMI Index 7/04/2021

The Purchasing Managers Index of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) measures the level of activity of purchasing managers in the service sector.
Any reading above 50 indicates expansion, while a reading below 50 indicates contraction. <BR /> Gives an indication about the health of the UK service industry. Traders watch these surveys closely as, as purchasing managers, they typically have easy access to data on their business performance, which can be an indicator of overall economic performance.
A higher than expected reading should be taken as positive / bullish for the GBP, while a lower than expected reading should be taken as negative and bearish for the GBP.


Previous: 56.8




Source: Investing

Canada - PMI Ivey Index 04/07/2021

The Ivey Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) measures the level of activity of purchasing managers in Canada.
Any reading above 50 indicates expansion, while a reading below 50 indicates contraction. It gives an indication about the health of the manufacturing sector and the growth of production in Canada. Merchants
they look closely at these studies, just as purchasing managers usually have early access to this data to know the performance of their company. It is an indicator of global economic results.
A higher than expected reading should be taken as positive / bullish for the CAD, while a lower than expected reading should be taken as negative and bearish for the CAD.


Previous: 60.0




Source: Investing

United States - IEA Crude Oil Inventories 04/07/2021

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) of Crude Oil Inventories measures the weekly increase in barrels of commercial crude oil contained in the inventory of US companies The level of inventories influences the price of petroleum products , which can have an impact on inflation and other economic forces.


Previous: -0.876M

Forecast: 0.107M



Source: Investing

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